Redefining the Healthcare landscape by disrupting the status quo, our brands create exceptional value in efficacy and cost and also safety to the discerning physician and patient. Just like a good physician will analyse each patient carefully, we believe in analyzing our products to the core in order to create an exceptional product. We emphasize on the evidence our product carries because it has been shown time and again that products with scientific evidence lead to better results while others may not.
Higher Phosphatidylcholine
Main driver for cholesterol transport
Responsible for better
bioavailability & stablity
Important for Liver,
Heart & Cognitive health
Esterified Astaxanthin
Protects omega-3 fatty,
Antioxidant, red pigment

Esper Healthcare BioRed Krill Oil 500mg softgels (MAL 18096087NCR)
BioRed Redefining Krill oil and Improving Standards (Ethical brand)
BioRed is tested to contain high levels of Phospholipids & highest purity of Phosphatidylcholine (90-96%) and Choline. It is proven that Phosphatidylcholine and Choline are the main drivers of lipid transport in the body and liver (Choline is vital for lipid metabolism in the liver) and can affect the lipid profile; BioRed significantly raises the HDL/TG ratio, HDL, and lowers LDL and Triglycerides, while significantly increasing the Omega-3 Index.
Phosphatidylcholine and Omega-3 in krill oil are also the main antioxidants contained in high concentrations in BioRed® that helps regulate inflammation in the cells. Phosphatidylcholine bound to Omega-3 in this form is more stable than other forms of Omega-3, but it is still critical to ensure good overall protection to the active pharmaceutical product. As phospholipids can be easily oxidized, the enhanced protection in our packaging helps prevent environmental factors of oxidation and softgels from enzymatic browning or becoming soft due to heat and moisture exposure.
For more information, please visit
INSTYLAN Hyaluronic Acid-Based Sterile Solution for
Intravesical Application

Comfort - Ergonomic packaging
1. 50 ml pre-filled disposable plastic bag in vacuum packed.

4. Additional port to add:

2. Protective connector

3. The universal nozzle for an urethral catheter
For more information, please visit

The pathogenetically grounded approach to the treatment of osteoarthritis


Lasting Pain Relief & OA Prevention
Effective combination of Sodium succinate and Hyaluronic acid for intra-articular administration which apart from its symptomatic action, allows for the influence of the pathogenic mechanisms of osteoarthritis progression
Slows down OA progression
Viscoinduction (Stabilized & non-crosslinked)
For more information, please visit